Saturday, February 04, 2006

LED Extravaganza!

Sample: A flashing Light Emitting Diode (LED).
Source: Beloit, WI Radio Shack

The coolest thing about this LED is that it posesses an extraordinarily clear lens, allowing for a delightfully crisp view of the emitting element. Also, if you hit the emitter with an intense enough beam of light, you can "stick" the LED in the on or off position. Light emitting Diodes, while found practically everywhere these days, were substantial technological acheivements.

Flashing LED, 10x.

Flashing LED housing, 60x.

Flashing LED Emitter, 60x.

Flashing LED Emitter, 60x.

Flashing LED Lit, 60x.

Flashing LED, 200x.

Flashing LED Lit, 200x.

Flashing LED Top, 60x.

Flashing LED Top, 60x.

Flashing LED Top, 200x.


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